It’s not just a slogan… « UseMyStats

UseMyStats is non-political, intentionally so. Politics involve so many sides and so many viewpoints that as a business it just doesn’t make sense to take sides.

But we are human. This company was started with a single goal to help people and companies to expand, to succeed and to thrive. This counts for our employees, our customers and everyone else.

And It’s not just a slogan. Every year we’ve taken steps to use some of the income we get from our clients and focus it on helping people. Last year we banded together and sent someone to Greece twice to help with refugee mothers and children, and throughout the year we made regular donations to buy books and toys for children throughout the United States.

And this says nothing of the generous work all of our individual staff have done on their own. They can take credit for that on their own, but I’m proud of each and every one of them for how much they do. Not bad for some geeks in Oregon!

While we are adamantly opposed to recent events from a human rights standpoint, I am proud of the people of the United States, and the tech industry specifically, in their willingness to stand up and help in favor of more communication, more understanding and more compassion in dealing with each other regardless of nationality or religion. It’s inspiring. We can’t let the few ruin the game for the rest!

So in that vein, UseMyStats is putting “its money where its mouth is” and donating to Youth For Human Rights to help spread the word on the UN’s Declaration of Human Rights.

While we might not have the clout of the Google’s and the Facebook’s of the world, every bit helps and we invite everyone to help in any way that you can, whether it be financially to a cause you support, by volunteering or even just setting a good example for our kids and showing them that grown ups can get along despite our differences.

Let’s harness this motion to make it a forward motion and come out stronger and more unified as people, as groups and as mankind.

Head Honcho of UseMyStats
Human on Planet Earth