It just happened again! We sent out another Bug Hunter award! We love writing software and making as easy to use as possible. But let’s be honest. We don’t always get everything perfect the first time. Or sometimes we do, but someone else’s idea is even more “perfect”! Our best features have come from user feedback and some even from user complaints.
We love feedback. Good or bad. To us it means people are using the system and care enough to let us know. A “feature X is awesome” message brightens our day. And the “feature Y is driving me nuts because I can’t do Z with it” comments drive us to fix and tweak until we get it just right and that point of frustration is gone for all users forever!
So to encourage customer feedback, we created the “Bug Hunter” program a few months ago. For those users that are really helpful and give us lots of feedback, we stalk them (really we just need an address!) and send out a certificate and a special reward–oh ok, we send chocolate bugs!! Don’t worry, they are cute ones!
We’ve already given out a couple of these awards and we’re ready to give out more. So if you like chocolate (or have an idea about how to improve UseMyStats), definitely send in some user feedback.