UseMyStats Acknowledgements « UseMyStats

UseMyStats Acknowledgements

Last Updated: August 4, 2016


As the software world moves on and continues to grow, it’s become impossible to write a decent software application without leaping off from where those before have taken things. And the software world as a whole is amazing in its generosity to each other. Without getting too technical, people put up their work online in an effort to help make others’ work that much better and/or easier. These building blocks are then improved upon and contributed back to the world. Problems are posted on the internet and other developers share possible solutions.

And as a piece of software that has benefited from this culture of sharing and help, we wanted to take a minute to acknowledge all “open source” projects, and more specifically those that we have specifically used.

So here’s a big THANK YOU to all and a link to those projects that we have used in the making of (We’ll update it periodically as the pieces come and go.)