More Clarity and More Simplicity « UseMyStats

This last week we launched “Phase II” of our simplification of (for the first round, check this post). You might have noticed the updated menus. For this round, we added a bunch more icons to try to make it really clear which menu item means what. It might seem like such a small update, but while we were working with the updated version and comparing with the older, “naked” menus, it became very obvious how much nicer to work with UseMyStats is with icons. Check out the difference in this comparison of the old to the new admin menu.

For new users, we did some more testing on our “introduction process” and simplified it to try to help people start in UseMyStats as easily as possible and understand how things work so they don’t get lost right off the bat and never catch on to the magic managing by statistics can bring.

We’ve also rebuilt the “Enter Stats” set of pages to be even faster. We did away with some confusing wording, moved some buttons around that were getting in people’s way and took out one of the data entry pages completely. Sort of sorry to see it go as it was our very first data entry page from 2008, but It had become unnecessary and very few people used it so it was time for it to go away. 

And in the interests of keeping everyone abreast of our plans, part of this update was to pave the way for some newer features coming soon. I’m pretty sure the dashboard will be the next one to roll off the “assembly line” with a facelift and some new types of graphs available to make it easier to see where you are at at a glance.